Link to Register: https://forms.gle/dxNqiPLpsNcdS9W87
Eid Mubarak! The Colorado Imam Council happily announces that Eid Al-Fitr will be on Thursday May 13th, 2021. Salatul Eid will be offered at Masjid Ikhlas at two different times: 7am & 9am. Parking lot will be reserved for Elderly and Women. May Allah accept from you and us.
Asalaamu alaikum brothers and sisters, After much deliberation and thought, the Shurah and Executive team has decided to reopen Masjid Ikhlas beginning tomorrow (12/11) for jumu’ah only. First Khutbah starts at 12:30pm and second khutbah at 1:15pm. It is only by the will of Allah (SWT) that we are able to do so. We will […]