Asalamualaykum brothers and sisters. Eid al Fitr will be Friday July 17th, 2015. The prayer will be at masjid ikhlas at 9am. The parking lot will be for elders and families only. We ask all young adults to park their cars on the street. Please bring a breakfast dish as it will be a potluck.
Ramadan Mubarak! InshAllah the first day of Ramadan will be Thursday June 18th. Taraweh prayers will start Wednesday June 17th immediately after Isha prayer. Iftar will also be served every night. If you would like to sponsor a night please contact Farid Amin at 303-875-5145.
As salaamo alaikum wa rahatullahi wa barkatuhu Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam Insha Allah we are having a full blown dawa workshop by seasoned da’ee from Chicago, Dr Sabil Ahmed of GainPeace. Br Eddie from deenshow will also join Dr Sabil in the two day event. Please see the flyer. Seats are limited so […]
Assalamualikum, Masjid ikhlas will be holding their first WOMEN & MEN body washing class separately on january 24th at 1 pm until around Asr time. It has been narrated in several hadith the importance of knowing how to wash a dead body. We will be providing a baby sitting service as well during the class […]
There will be Janazah Prayer for the Mother of Br. Nafee Qudsi December 17th 2014 @ Dhuhr Prayer at Masjid Ikhlas.
This Friday, October 31st, the Masjid has a Youth Night for all ages and gender!!!! There will be henna, activities, trivia games, ice cream, and of course everyone’s favorite, DODGEBALL!!!! So please come join us and the community for a night full of barakah and fun. 6pm-10pm Friday evening. (Maghreb salah is around 6pm) The […]
InshAllah Masjid Ikhlas will be hosting an Eid Al Adha Celebration. It will be Saturday October 11th from 5-8pm at the Thornton Community Center (Eppinger Blvd and Gaylord St.) It will be for the entire family. There will be a jumpy house for the kids, basketball tournament for the guys, and a huge game room […]
Salamualaykum Brothers and Sisters. InshAllah Eid Al Adha will be this Saturday October 4th, 2014. The Eid prayer will be at 9.30 am followed by a community breakfast. Please bring a side dish to add to the potluck. “Only the elderly and women with children are allowed to park in the parking lot.” All others please park […]
Weekend classes at Ikhlas Academy will start Sunday September 21, 2014. There is an open house tomorrow, Sunday Sept 14, 2014 from 10 am – 1 pm at the masjid premises. An online registration page has been setup on the Ikhalas Academy page. Click here to access it. It will open in a new tab/website. Computers will […]